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  • intern 12:08 pm on June 17, 2009 Permalink |
    Tags: apache 2, bash, , tar   

    Jump on it. Apache 2 comes with OSX by … 

    Jump on it.

    Apache 2 comes with OSX by default. It can be activated using the system settings sharing panel. However, Apple customises this distribution of Apache to do one thing very well: share the sites folder on one’s computer. In order to get around this, and to avoid any potential issues with system updates overwriting server settings, I began from scratch with a fresh tarball, directly from the Apache people.

    I learned the tar command, and used it to unzip the tarball. The modifiers x,v,z, and f are applied. X sets the tar operation to extraction; tar can also compress archives, inspect them, and so on.. V asks tar to operate in verbose mode, f uses the file ‘archive’ to unpack files and folders, rather than the compilation dependent source location, and z tells tar to use the gzip library to decompress tarballs.

    Once the installation files are unzipped, I navigated into their directory, and ran the configure script included. This creates installation files optimised for the setup of my particular computer.

    I ran the make script generated to build an installation for the laptop. Lastly, I sudo ran the make install script, to install the server with administrative privileges.

    The final step is to start the server. Inside the /usr/local/apache2 folder where apache’s default install puts itself, there is a bin folder, and therein a script called apachectl. This script handles starting, stopping, and restarting the apache server, and must be run as an administrator.

    Using the VI text editor, I set the home directory for apache, in apache’s httpd.conf file. I then create a short html document for testing purposes and placed it in this home directory. To test that the server is working, I pointed a browser at http://localhost.

    After some careful checking of settings, the html file loaded. Time to get PHP running!

  • intern 10:51 am on June 17, 2009 Permalink |
    Tags: , tasks   

    Since my internship began on Monday, I r… 

    Since my internship began on Monday, I rapidly come up to speed on the development environment in use by the studio, and used that platform to roll out this blog.

    The process began with my aging but virginal Macbook Pro, and opening many terminal windows. My early computer experiences were with text-based operating systems, so this was something I was somewhat comfortable with. However, Unix commands are pretty new to me, so almost everything I have learned has been a transfer of old skills into a new environment. I used this helpful reference extensively. I know it says Linux at the top. It works for MacOS too.

    My task list included setting up and learning to use the following:

  • intern 3:44 pm on June 16, 2009 Permalink |  

    My name is David Miller.

    This summer I have a design internship with Serafini Studios. I shall be learning such exciting things as version control, content management, and iPhone application development.

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